Monday, April 2, 2018

Invisible Man

This book is set in the time period after the civil war, where a model black citizen is slowly having his life ruined by being at the wrong place at the wrong time. He was raised in the south, so naturally he has grown up surrounded by racism. Southern stereotypes plague the beginning of the book. Some examples included are constant violence, double, triple, and quadruple contractions, vulgar language, and the over pronunciation of specific letters in certain words. 


  1. My character Eric is similar to your characters tormentors or Attackers because he was surrounded by violence and vulgar language. Eric was in a very dark place just like whoever was causing problems for your protagonist.

  2. Oops meant to say I am reading Columbine

  3. I'm Reading The adventures of Huckleberry Finn and this book also has a ton of stereotypes, like for instance, Ms. Watsons slave Jim fits the stereotype that slaves cant talk right and it also has the vulgar language stereotype as you mentioned
