Friday, April 6, 2018

Leslie Quevedo-Black like me

I believe that in Black Like Me, it shows a great example of innocence being taken away, with John. He kind of had the idea of what black people went through in the South but he didn't knew the whole truth until he decided to change his skin like them and actually get to experience the same thing they did. Whenever John experienced this, it was like he was in another world, he never had imagined it being this bad and it really opened his eyes on how racist people were towards. Whenever he walked in the streets, people would call him names and whenever he tried to go look for a job, they all denied him because of his skin color. So, experiencing a black person's life really opened like a new world in him.

1 comment:

  1. I see some similarities in my book and yours. I'm reading Remix, and in the book the immigrant teenagers lose a sense of innocence when they are opened up to a whole new world know as America. They realize that they have a lot more independence but also there is a very bad side to the world that was kind of kept out of their little bubble.
